Apr. 29, 2021
It is Irish Poetry Day today. A blog is in order. The illustration portends news and news there is. In the previous blog, I was able to say that the I had submitted my dissertation for the Masters. Now I can say that my submission has been successful. Great relief and jubilation all round.
To add to the celebrations, I will be reading one of my poems on the Poetry Programme on RTE Radio 1 on Sunday 2nd May at 7.30 pm.
In addition, another of my poems will appear in Lifespan Vol 2, Growing Up which has just been published by Pure Slush.
As part of the Bealtaine Festival, The Bealtaine Writers responded to the Paula Meehan’s As if by Magic, the Book of the Festival. On 20th of May we will be reading those responses
prior to the interview with Paula and Mia Gallagher
Since I completed the course in March, I have taken to writing short pieces and seeing where they lead me. I was surprised to realise that my focus has been on my youngest grandchild. I suppose that may be because we spend every morning together. As usual, please read, enjoy, share and send me some feedback.
Margaret D
30.04.2021 09:20
Congrats Peter on all the achievements. I will definitely be listening on Sunday and I can't believe Dorothea is 2. A beautiful poem
David McDonough
30.04.2021 07:55
Congratulations on achieving your MA. Love the poems, will listen in on Sunday.
29.04.2021 18:06
Sorry not to know this lovely little human...yet!
Triona Mc Morrow
29.04.2021 17:42
Congratulations Peter!! Love the poems about Dora.
Latest comments
25.11 | 22:15
Grief is experience through the mundane. Simple but powerful. The accompanying image really compliments the poem.
07.11 | 11:14
Hi Peter,
A great observation! Social media can be a scary place... I also need to reduce my time there
06.11 | 16:24
A great one, Peter, in the context you describe. I don't read social media myself, I doubt my equilibrium could stand it. 'The balance of his mind disturbed' yes, I think it would be.
06.11 | 15:59
Yes, gossip is a weapon of mass destruction.
In my business as well as personal life I have zero tolerance.