Begin Again . . .

I am amazed at times as to where I impose meaning. This picture is an example. Margot has grown it from seed over many many years and, wonder of wonders about 5 years ago, we had the first Bird of Paradise flower. The plant has grown well but see still have only one flower per year at Charistmas time. So when we arrive each December and it has just emerged from its wrapping I get a sense of joining it in its radiance and I have a feeling of joy because of it. Another year and we are still here.

I wrote the piece below at the time, sitting at a port cafĂ©, reflecting on nothing in particular. 

A New Year


Sitting at start of year welcoming

a not at all sure

where the trail of time will lead


Soothed by the boats in port

rocking gently wires pinging in harmony

inducing a slowing rhythm


in my how did this happen place

pleased to watch passers-by

amble to the sounds of the sea


A blue grey sky breezes along

signalling that it is de rigueur

to suspend panic and madness


Just for now


Peter Clarke

2nd Jan 2023