Jun. 19, 2022
Recently I heard myself diatribe negatively about the state of the world and its increasing mess. I was speaking matter of factly as if it didn’t really impact on me, I was a casual observer. In a way this is true, I do not directly experience any of the horrors that large portions of the world population have to face daily. I am truly grateful for that there but for accidents of birth . . . Nevertheless, if I pay attention to the world, my heart sinks and I feel myself descending into irrecoverable chaos and hopelessness, running the risk of being another burden in an already overburdened situation. I have not found a way yet to be useful, help counteract the downward trend. Deep down, I think I have a delusional belief that somebody or something will do something – a classic denial. So I write, I stave off the chaos and I try to follow a basic rule do no harm. I have returned to morning reflection, exercise and writing.
19.06.2022 18:35
The healing power of the sea! Lovely!
Latest comments
25.11 | 22:15
Grief is experience through the mundane. Simple but powerful. The accompanying image really compliments the poem.
07.11 | 11:14
Hi Peter,
A great observation! Social media can be a scary place... I also need to reduce my time there
06.11 | 16:24
A great one, Peter, in the context you describe. I don't read social media myself, I doubt my equilibrium could stand it. 'The balance of his mind disturbed' yes, I think it would be.
06.11 | 15:59
Yes, gossip is a weapon of mass destruction.
In my business as well as personal life I have zero tolerance.